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    Ooredoo Q.S.C.

    Ooredoo Q.S.C.
    Tel: ‎+974 44400855
    E-mail: IR@ooredoo.com

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    Strategy & Goals  

    year 2018

    Our Strategy

    Transforming our business

    Enriching people's digital lives

    In 2017, Ooredoo had evolved its vision to “Enriching people’s digital lives,” to reflect its aspiration to continue to exceed the needs and expectations of consumer, business and governmental customers across its markets by delivering superior products, services and customer experiences in the Digital Age.

    In 2018, this new vision was successfully implemented across all 10 operating companies and communicated to all employees. Our Group values – Caring, Connecting, Challenging - were also extended to all 10 operating companies, and communicated to all Group employees.

    As part of its bold new vision, Ooredoo aims to digitally transform its business, so that its operating companies become “Digital Enablers,” and move beyond traditional telecom products and services by enabling digital services through partnerships with ICT and over-the-top players.

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