
Front Page
You can choose the desired time zone and view share prices according to your location.
You can choose to view Euroland.com in your own language.
You can choose the desired currency and view share prices in the selected currency.
Indices & Index Graph
Users can click to select graphs of their own choice for view. Simply click on a desired index and you will see the graph for the selected index.
Users can choose up to 5 indices to view comparison on the graph. Fill in up to the 5 checkboxes next to the indices and you will see the comparison on a graph.
Gainers / Losers / Most traded
By default Gainers/Losers & Most Traded are presented for all markets present in Euroland.
Users can choose a market from the selection box to get Gainers/Losers & Most Active for the respective market.
By clicking "more ", the user will be directed to the whole list of appropriate selections.
My Portfolios
The user can see a brief overview of up to 5 private portfolios .  The user must be logged on to use this option.
Users’ Page / Register
You can register yourself to be able to use our services.
From this page you can also change your personal data and ask us to send you your password in case you have forgotten it.
Corporate Sites
By clicking here you are able to see all our customer companies with comprehensive information from all the markets at the same location.
Contact Us
Choose the appropriate department to send mail to.
Today’s Industry Sector
Best performing sector of the day
Remember Password
What does it mean
If you check the Remember Password box, you won't have to log in to Euroland.com every time you come back. Your browser can remember your user name and password
You should always remember your user name and password. When you use a shared computer (in a library, university or other common area), DO NOT check the Remember Password box.
If you change your mind
Uncheck the Remember Password box and click Log out on the left hand menu. This will remove your stored information from the browser.
Stock Markets
Advanced & Basic Industry Selection
By accessing the Stock Markets page, you get the basic selection of industries, which consist of 21 main industries.
If you wish to get even more detailed industry classification, click on the link Advanced Industry Selection, where apart from main industries you are able to access sub-industries as well.
How to get all companies within a stock market
Selecting a stock market and all industries, all companies listed on that stock exchange will be displayed in alphabetical order.
If you want to view many stock markets at the same time, mark the stock markets and All in industry and click Get Selection.
How to get all companies within a specific industry
If you want to get all the companies within a specific industry, mark the industry and choose All within the stock markets and finish by clicking on Get Selection.
If you wish to make a selection from sub-industries, click on the main industry and select the sub-industry/es. All the selected industries will be shown in the selection box above the industry classification. If you need to remove a previously selected industry from the selection box, find the industry from selection box and click on Remove Industry. After you have made your selection, click Get Selection and you will see all the companies of your choice.
How to save your selection
If you want to save your industry/market selection and have the selection ready when you visit this page next time, click on Save Selection after you have selected the markets and industries. You must be a registered user of Euroland to use this option.
Specific company search
You can find a company by filling in the name of the company (minimum 2 letters) and click Find
How to return to the front page
You can always return to the front page by clicking on the Euroland.com logotype.
How to get the domestic industry categorization, lists and indexes
By selecting a stock market from the selection box under Regional Stock Markets, you will get the domestic industry categorization, lists and indices. Furthermore if you click on any of the industries you will get the list of companies that are categorized by industries in the domestic markets. The same applies for lists and indexes.
Market Capitalization & Volume
Choose desired market/s and industry/es or use the Find function to search for the specific company.  Then click Get Selection.
From the result page you can find selection box for Market Capitalization & Volume with various sorting functions to sort companies by your choice. You can sort shares by highest or lowest capitalization or use different capitalization levels as LargeCap shares and SmallCap shares.
Choose Volume Most or Volume Least respectively to sort companies by turnover in amount of shares.
Choose desired market/s and industry/es or use the Find function to search for the specific company.  Then click Get Selection.
From the result page you can find selection box for Winners & Losers with various sorting periods to sort companies by your choice.
Market Capitalization
Ultra-Large-Cap: Capitalization over 5 billion €
Large-Cap: Capitalization between 1 billion and 5 billion €
Mid-Cap: Capitalization between 250 million and 1 billion €
Small-Cap: Capitalization under 250 million €

The figures in the market cap tables are shown in thousands.
The number of shares for each company, used for the calculations, is updated as follows:

Every week: Helsinki, Paris, Stockholm, Oslo, Frankfurt, Brussels
Every month: London, Zurich
Every six months: Amsterdam

The market captalization for companies on the Stockholm Exchange is calculated on the number of shares available for trading.
First make sure that you have logged in. If you haven’t created a euroland account yet please go to the User's Page/Register on the euroland start page and click on Register where you should fill in your desired username and password.
If you already have created an account then fill in your username and password at the euroland start page. Then click the login button when finished. Now you can start to input the shares of your interest in your personal portfolio.
How to add/remove a portfolio and to change name
If you want to add a portfolio, simply click the New Portfolio button and write in the name of the new portfolio, and click the Create button. Your personal Portfolio has been created. If you want to remove a portfolio, click Delete Portfolio. If you want to change the name of your portfolio, fill in the new name under Rename Portfolio.
How to add shares into portfolio
You buy shares of your choise by choosing a desired Portfolio. Then click Buy Share and enter your desired share-name and then select a market. If you do not know the whole company name you can search for it by entering at least two (2) letters in the left textbox. If the share exists, it will be shown in the Share To Buy box. Select the desired share. Enter your desired amount to buy in the No. Of Shares. If you want to buy this share, simply click the Buy Share button to the right. Your share is now displayed on the screen.
You can also add shares into your portfolio directly from the list of shares. Go to the Stock Markets page and make your selection. From the result page just fill in the checkbox/es in the column named Add and click on Add Shares To Portfolio.
How to remove shares from a portfolio
If you want to remove shares from a portfolio, simply click the Sell Share button and choose the desired share to remove. Then click the Sell Share button. The share has been removed.
How to compare shares in the portfolio
If you wish to compare developments in shares (max. 5 shares at a time) in your portfolio, just check the desired share’s checkbox
By clicking on the heading area in your portfolio you can sort shares in ascending or descending order by different criteria.
Portfolio History
Portfolio History enables you to view your historical transactions. Every time you sell certain amount of shares, the new record will be added into portfolio history with detailed information concerning your transaction.
In order to view your transactions according to desired period, fill in the dates at the top of the page and click on get selected period button.
If you wish to delete share/s from your portfolio history, fill in the box next to the share name and click on remove selected shares
First make sure that you have logged in. If you haven’t created a euroland account yet then go to the User's Page/Register on the euroland start page and click on Register where you should fill in your desired username and password.
If you already have created an account then fill in your username and password at the euroland start page. Then click the login button when finished. Now you can start to input the shares of your choise in your personal watchlist.
How to input shares in watchlist
You input shares of your interest by clicking Add Share. Fill in the first two letters of the share that you are searching for, and then click Find. Choose the desired share in the drop-down box and click the Add Share button. Your share has been added to your watchlist.
You can also add shares into your watchlist directly from the list of shares. Go to the Stock Markets page and make your selection. From the result page just fill in the checkbox/es in the column named Add and click on Add Shares To Watchlist.
How to remove shares from watchlist.
If you want to remove shares from your watchlist, simply click on Remove Share. In the Share To Remove textbox, choose the desired share to remove and click the Remove Share button.
How to add/remove a watchlist
If you want to add a watchlist, simply write in the name of the new watchlist under New Watchlist and click on Create. And if you want to remove the watchlist, click Remove Watchlist.
How to compare shares in the watchlist
If you wish to compare developments in shares (max. 5 shares at a time) in your watchlist, just check the desired share’s checkbox.
By clicking on the heading area in your watchlist you can sort shares ascending or descending by different criteria.
From this page you are able to see all the main indices on European markets at a glance.
Regional Stock Markets
If you click on any of the stock markets, you will get the domestic industry categorization, lists and indexes. Furthermore if you click on any of the industries you will get the list of companies that are categorized by industries in the domestic markets. The same applies for lists and indexes.
By clicking on the heading area in the table of indices, you can sort indices ascending or descending by different criteria.
How to compare indices
If you wish to compare developments in indices (max. 5 indices at a time), just check the desired indices checkboxes.
Exchange Rates
Here you can find all the European exchange rates plus main world exchange rates updated daily.
How to compare the different currencies
In left side of the page choose which currency you want to convert from in the From box. Choose the currency you want to convert to in the To box. Then choose the amount you want to convert in the Amount box. To convert click the Convert button. The amount of the converted currency will appear in bottom of the left column. If you would like to invert already converted currency, click on button Invert.

On the right side of the page choose the amount you want to convert in the "Amount to convert:" box. Then select a currency from the "Select" column you want to use as a base currency. The amount of the converted currency will appear into each box next to each currency.
How to set alerts on shares
Before you start activating the alerts, be sure that you have entered the correct e-mail address when you registered on Euroland.com. To do that, please go to Users Page/Change Your Personal Data. First choose Share Alerts from the Alert Type. Enter the desired share name, then select stock market and click on Find. If the share exists it will be shown in the Select Share to Add box. Select the share. Choose desired alerts by filling in the checkboxes, enter the values where needed and click on Add. The share alert will be activated.
How to remove shares
Choose the share you want to remove from the Ordered Share Alerts and click on Remove. The share will be removed.
How to make changes on share alerts
Choose the share you want to make adjustments to from the Ordered Share Alerts. Make the changes and activate the alert again by clicking on Save.
Show History
From Show History you can keep track on the alerts what have already been sent to you.
How to set alerts on stock markets
First choose Market Alerts from the Alert Type, then select the stock market from the box and click on Go. Choose desired alerts by filling in the checkboxes and click on Add. The market alert will be activated.
How to remove stock markets
Choose the stock market you want to remove from the Ordered Market Alerts and click on Remove. The market will be removed.
How to make changes on market alerts
Choose the stock market you want to make adjustments to from the Ordered Market Alerts. Make the changes and activate the alert again by clicking on Save.
Volatility indicates the range of fluctuations in the stock price. Volatility is found by calculating the annualized standard deviation of daily change in price. If the price of a stock moves up and down rapidly over short time periods, it has high volatility. If the price almost never changes, it has low volatility.
Correlation is a relationship between two variables. For equity trading it means the correlation between the stock price movement and a movement in index values.
The values of the coefficient can range from -1 to +1. If there is no linear relationship between two variables, the value of the coefficient is 0. If the coefficient is +1, it means that movement in the share price is exactly the same as movement in the respective index. The lower the coefficient is, the weaker the relationship to the index. Negative coefficient indicates that stock moves in the opposite direction to the index.
Correlation is calculated in relation to the most important index, where corresponding stock belongs.
The measure of the stock's risk in relation to the index.
If beta is higher than 1, then changes in the stock price over certain period of time were greater than the changes in the index.
If beta is lower than 1, then changes in the stock price over certain period of time were less great than the changes in the index.
A negative beta factor indicates that stock moves in the opposite direction to the index.
For example, if index moves up 10% and stock's beta is 1,5, then the stock is expected to move up 15 percent. If beta is 0,5, then the stock is expected to move up only 5 percent.
Beta is calculated in relation to the most important index, where corresponding stock belongs.